Publications, Reports, and Presentations


Bigelow, P., Benda, L., and S. Pearce. 2016. Delineating incised stream sediment sources within a San Francisco Bay tributary basin. Earth Surface Dynamics 4: 531-547.

Benda, L., and P. Bigelow. 2014. On the patterns and processes of wood in northern California streams. Geomorphology 209: 79-97.

Bigelow P., L. Benda, D. Miller, and K. Burnett. 2007. On debris flows, river networks, and the spatial structure of channel morphology. Forest Science 53(2): 220-238.

Benda L., D. Miller, K. Andras, P. Bigelow, G. Reeves, and D. Michael. 2007. NetMap: A new tool in support of watershed analysis and resource management. Forest Science 53(2): 206-219.

Bigelow P. 2005. Testing and improving predictions of scour and fill depths in a northern California coastal stream. River Research and Applications 21: 909-923.

Benda L., K. Andras, D. Miller, and P. Bigelow. 2004. Confluence effects in rivers: interactions of basin scale, network geometry, and disturbance regimes. Water Resources Research 40(5): 1-15.

Benda L., D. Miller, P. Bigelow, and K. Andras. 2003. Effects of post-fire erosion on channel environments. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 178: 105-119.

Benda L., P. Bigelow, and T. Worsley. 2002. Recruitment of wood to streams in old-growth and second-growth redwood forests, northern California, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32:1460-1477.


Smeltzer, M., Bigelow P., and L. Benda. 2019. Woody debris management plan for Fairfax Creek at the Sunnyside flood diversion and storage facility. Prepared for the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.

Benda, L., Miller, D.J., Andras, K., and P. Bigelow. 2018. Analysis of woody debris sources, transport and export volumes in the Susquehanna River basin. Prepared for WSP and Exelon.

Bigelow P., S. Pearce, and L. McKee. 2012. Evaluation of sediment sources to Don Castro Reservoir: on the magnitude, spatial distribution, and potential reduction of sediment supply in the upper San Lorenzo Creek watershed. Prepared for the Alameda County Flood Control District.

Bigelow P., L. Benda, S. Pearce, K. Andras, J. Beagle, J. Kass, and L. McKee. 2012. Geospatial terrain analysis of sediment sources within the Arroyo Mocho watershed. Prepared for the Zone 7 Water Agency.

Beagle J., P. Bigelow, S. Pearce, and L. McKee. 2012. Sediment source reconnaissance of Stonybrook and Sinbad Creek watersheds: a rapid evaluation of two small tributaries near the Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel. Prepared for the Alameda County Flood Control District.

Bigelow P. 2012. Terrain mapping of potential sediment sources within the Stonybrook and Sinbad watersheds. Prepared for SFEI and the Alameda County Flood Control District.

Pearce S., Bigelow P., and L. McKee. 2009. Sediment source reconnaissance for Dry Creek watershed. Prepared for the Alameda County Flood Control District.

Bigelow P., S. Pearce, L. McKee, and A. Gilbreath. 2008. A sediment budget for two reaches of Alameda Creek (including Arroyo De La Laguna). Prepared for the Alameda County Flood Control District.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2005. Wood recruitment to streams in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Northern and Central California. Prepared for Sierra Pacific Industries.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2005. South Fork Wages Creek sediment budget, Mendocino County, California. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.

Andras K., L. Benda, and Bigelow P. 2005. Long-term erosion rates from cosmogenics in Ten Mile Creek, Mendocino County, California. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2004. Little North Fork Noyo River wood budget, Mendocino County, California. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2004. Wood recruitment to streams, Mendocino Coast. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2003. Erosion study: Judd Creek basin, Southern Cascades, California. Prepared for Sierra Pacific Industries.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2003. Wood recruitment to streams: Cascades and Klamath Mountains, Northern California. Prepared for Sierra Pacific Industries.

Bigelow P. 2003. Scour, fill, and salmon spawning in a Northern California coastal stream. MS Thesis. Humboldt State University.

Benda, L. and P. Bigelow. 2002. Bear Haven and Redwood Creek wood and sediment budgets, Mendocino County, California. Prepared for Campbell Timberland Management.

Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2002. Van Duzen watershed analysis – stream channel assessment section. Prepared by Tetra Tech for the Pacific Lumber Company.

Bigelow P. and J. Gerstien. 2001. Bolinas Lagoon watershed study input sediment budget (sediment budget sections 3 – 5 only). Prepared by Tetra Tech for the US Army Corps of Engineers.


Benda L. and P. Bigelow. 2011. Recruitment of large woody debris into watercourses in California. Presetation to the California Board of Forestry Monitoring Study Group.

Pearce S., Bigelow P., and L. McKee. 2009. Dry Creek reconnaissance: insights on sediment delivery to the Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel. Presentation at the Alameda Creek Watershed Council Annual Meeting.

Bigelow P., S. Pearce, L. McKee, and A. Gilbreath. 2008. A sediment budget for two reaches of Alameda Creek. Presentation at the Alameda Creek Watershed Council Annual Meeting.

Bigelow P., L. Benda, D. Miller, and K. Andras. 2005. Systematically comparing watershed environments across regions for prioritizing restoration and conservation. New currents in conserving freshwater systems, spring symposium. American Museum of Natural History -Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, NYC.

Bigelow P., L. Benda, and D. Miller. 2005. Effects of Debris Flow Fans on Channel Morphology of Fish-bearing Streams in the Oregon Coast Range. Presentation at Symposium on the Science and Management of Headwaters Streams. Corvalis.

Bigelow P., L. Benda, D. Miller, and K. Andras. 2003. Effects of alluvial and debris flow fans on channel morphology in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. AGU Fall Meeting Eos Trans. 84(46) H31C-0477.

Bigelow P. 2002. Scour, fill, and salmon spawning in a Northern California coastal stream. Thesis defense presentation, HSU.

Bigelow P. 2002. Scour, fill, and salmon spawning in a Northern California coastal stream. AGU Fall Meeting Eos Trans. 83(47) H52A-0845.